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Osteoporosis should not be ignored. It happens when, over time, the bones become weak and brittle.1, 2 Usually there are no symptoms or pain associated with osteoporosis, and the first sign that something isn’t right is when they experience a bone fracture.1, 2

Who can get osteoporosis?2

While the disease can occur in men and women, it’s four times more likely to develop in women. On top of that, women older than 50, and those who are postmenopausal, are most at risk of developing osteoporosis.

Why women are most at risk?2, 3, 4

During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, which protects against bone loss. This loss results in women rapidly losing bone, especially in the first 10 years they’re in menopause.

Symptoms of osteoporosis1, 2

As mentioned above, there are no symptoms until a fractured bone. However, once the bones are weak and brittle, a person can look out for the following

Treating osteoporosis1, 2

Doctors may recommend weight-bearing exercises and vitamin supplements to treat or prevent osteoporosis. They could also prescribe hormones or hormone-related therapy, such as estrogen, selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene, bisphosphonates (which is considered an antiresorptive drug), biologics or anabolic agents. Please discuss appropriate treatment options with your doctor.

Regular screenings

Make sure you have a bone density screening as often as your doctor recommends.